The Electric Town
Akihabara Rooftopping – Tokyo, Japan – The Electric Town 電気街
Finally, after a long absence I found my way back to Japan for more rooftopping in Tokyo.
Tokyo has a list of hot spots that every person there quickly comes to know. Natives, expats, and frequent visitors have mentally marked dozens of stations, hubs, and varying epicenters of Tokyo’s massive sprawl. A stranger to no one is the Electric Town.
Akihabara, also known as the Electric Town (秋葉原電気街), is well known to all, tourists included. It’s in every guidebook, forum, and so forth.
Being as popular as it is, I definitely tried a few times in the past to find a good spot or roof to take vantage from, but to no success….
Until today, finally!
Rooftopping in Akihabara
That’s the set, short and sweet.
I went up with a friend, and while we moved slowly, the nature of this spot led to us getting out of there sooner instead of later.
If you do end up in Akihabara, I would recommend being a bit extra aware of your surroundings. The area is crawling with tourists, some touts, and shopkeepers. Many of the rooftops are locked, and there are signs clearly marked that the staircases are under surveillance.
Impossible to get to a roof? No.
Harder than other places? Yes.
All the best in your adventures, give Akihabara a go if you’re in the area!